The family magazine for the transcending Jewish community
The Phenomenon
We live in an era that, like every era before, is unprecedented. Thus is the nature of an ever-changing world. One of the unique points of our times, is the budding of a paradigmatic shift in consciousness. Many are compelled to seek something higher, as they recognize a void in their obedience and conformity to the conventional way of life. From those seekers, countless people are discovering a deeper reality, that is more wholesome and filled with beauty. They yearn to be completely enveloped by the depth and richness of this newly discovered state-of-being.
The Challenge
Once experienced, one can sense how much more real this state is, and yet for many, it keeps slipping away. The momentum of one's habits and the perceived authority of the masses that are, as of yet, in denial of even a possibility for such a state, can create a strong force to pull one back into the more putative norm.
For the religious Jewish community, there's an additional challenge. Many discover their new identity with the aid of sources outside of the Jewish religion. This creates an inner struggle as one attempts to integrate the awakening with their Jewish faith. While the more learned can see how this transcendence is at the heart of all the Jewish teaching of old, for others there remains a complete, or partial, divide between the two.
The Solution
If we can create a community of transcendence-yearning individuals, we can mitigate much of the cost-of-entry, so-to-speak. The resistance and doubts that are so common for the individual, are mere talking points, at most, for a larger population with a common belief.
A weekly magazine with a full range of topics all from a spiritually enlightened perspective will create a community with common beliefs. It will provide for the individuals already on the path a source of meaningful content and deep inspiration that is so sorely lacking. And for those not yet dedicated to transcendence, The Unity Magazine will open them up to a new world which they will be able to enter without the struggles so common when going-it-alone.
There are few mediums of communication that engage the users for an extended period and on a continued bases, as a weekly magazine. A full range magazine with content on varied topics creates capacity for nurturing a life changing perspective.
The (Near) Future
A magazine with loyal subscribers unlocks the possibility to engage readers through other forms of communication and connection. I see a future that's near, where The Unity Magazine produces podcasts and videos, organizes events such as Shabbatons and retreats, all with genuinely awakening and enlightening content.
The Vision
Through the One that unites all, The Unity Magazine and what it represents will be commonplace to the extent that there will be few people in the greater Jewish community the world all over, that are not familiar with deeper wisdom. This momentum will grow exponentially to expedite the great awakening that has already begun all over the globe.
Join Us
I welcome you to join and support this vision. Together we will make the dream, dreamed by so many, our reality.
To contribute with funding, kindly use the donate button below or send us an email at the email below.
If you, or somebody you know, would be an appropriate candidate as a columnist or to fill any other position on The Unity Magazine team, please email us at the email below.